
  • martin-jokubauskas
    INTERNET IDEAS CEO, Internet Ideas

    Noremi is a language partner we trust. Thanks again for the translation and localization services you’ve done for so many of our projects. Translated into many languages, our IT projects reach their target audiences, so our clients are satisfied. We are now able to offer SEO, Adwords and many other services to our clients worldwide.
    We look forward to working together with you again.

  • Delta Plus
    Delta Plus Delta Plus

    Many thanks for the technical translations for our personal protective equipment.
    The translations and layout we received exceeded our expectations.
    Your great communication skills gave great results!

  • barclays2
    Barclays Barclays

    Thank you for your translation work and the advice you gave us on dealing with companies in Baltic’s – it proved to be very valuable.
    Thanks again.